AGEs: More than just a number….



Summer is in full swing! Which means the meat is on the grill! Unfortunately there is a very unhealthy byproduct that is produced when meat is grilled – advanced glycation end products (AGEs). These are produced as we charbroil our favorite meals. There are some practical approaches to AGEs that we can review to ensure that you have a happy and healthy summer!

AGEs are molecules with high oxidation and inflammation potential, making them serious considerations in health conditions rooted in these processes. By itself, an AGE may not seem any more harmful than any other oxidative molecule. However in large numbers, AGEs begin to bind to cell surfaces, cross-link with normal proteins, and ultimately, alter cell structure, function, and signaling. They have been a particular concern in the rising number of diabetes, renal disease, and cardiovascular disease cases, prompting a renewed interest in ways to reduce AGE activity in the body.

The next natural question is, how can we control these? Most of these molecules are generated when foods are prepared using high heat or have been exposed to irradiation. Meat already possess the highest number of AGEs, and when combined with heat this number increases exponentially. Lightly grilled meat that retains some water content contains significantly fewer AGEs. Also a lower pH also negates AGE generation. If you marinate meat in an acidic solution, it can help reduced the increase in AGE molecules.

Plants are naturally low in AGEs due to their high water and antioxidant content. Foods that are higher in AGE molecules should be paired with fruits and vegetables. It won’t cancel out AGEs, but it will help to diminish the oxidizing effects of AGEs molecules.

You are what you eat. And AGE is more than a number. Talk to your chiropractor or nutrition specialist for more information on AGEs and diet.


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