AGEs: More than just a number….



Summer is in full swing! Which means the meat is on the grill! Unfortunately there is a very unhealthy byproduct that is produced when meat is grilled – advanced glycation end products (AGEs). These are produced as we charbroil our favorite meals. There are some practical approaches to AGEs that we can review to ensure that you have a happy and healthy summer!

AGEs are molecules with high oxidation and inflammation potential, making them serious considerations in health conditions rooted in these processes. By itself, an AGE may not seem any more harmful than any other oxidative molecule. However in large numbers, AGEs begin to bind to cell surfaces, cross-link with normal proteins, and ultimately, alter cell structure, function, and signaling. They have been a particular concern in the rising number of diabetes, renal disease, and cardiovascular disease cases, prompting a renewed interest in ways to reduce AGE activity in the body.

The next natural question is, how can we control these? Most of these molecules are generated when foods are prepared using high heat or have been exposed to irradiation. Meat already possess the highest number of AGEs, and when combined with heat this number increases exponentially. Lightly grilled meat that retains some water content contains significantly fewer AGEs. Also a lower pH also negates AGE generation. If you marinate meat in an acidic solution, it can help reduced the increase in AGE molecules.

Plants are naturally low in AGEs due to their high water and antioxidant content. Foods that are higher in AGE molecules should be paired with fruits and vegetables. It won’t cancel out AGEs, but it will help to diminish the oxidizing effects of AGEs molecules.

You are what you eat. And AGE is more than a number. Talk to your chiropractor or nutrition specialist for more information on AGEs and diet.


More Lemons, Anyone?



Lemons. We love them, but we hate them. They can be sweet and sour at the same time! They are used in cooking, and used in cleaning. Did you know that they are even good for digestion? Wow, there is a lot of power packed in these little yellow fruits!

Lemons, like other citrus fruits, are high in vitamin C. There are also small amounts of other vitamins and nutrients in them such as potassium, folate, and B6. If you combine them with iron rich foods they can help the body absorb more iron! Just think of possibilities in the kitchen, especially for those of you who tend to be anemic.

What is it that helps with digestion? It is their acidity. Lemons also contain pectin which helps reduce cholesterol and bowel health. While lemons sound like a great way to improve your overall health, many people can not stand the tartness. Guess what, grilling them is a way to bring out their natural sweetness. Kabobs anyone?

Lemons can help with weight loss, as well as helping those who suffer from kidney stones.

There are so many ways that you can incorporate lemons into your diet to enjoy all of their benefits. Talk to your nutrition specialist for information on recipes that you can make quickly and easily.


And the Most Important Meal of the Day is….



I’ve got some good news, and some bad news. Where should I start? The bad news… yes… it’s always best to start bad so we can end with a smile. So, here goes: 60% of teens regularly skip breakfast. While it may seem like a good thing, because we can finally save some money on the grocery bill, it’s not good. Not one bit. For years nutritionists have pegged breakfast as “the most important meal of the day”.

Many people have taken that as an excuse to shove a donut in their face at 7am! They call that breakfast. That’s the question, what constitutes a breakfast that will allegedly help with weight management?

Researchers at the University of Missouri recently compared the benefits of normal protein breakfast to that of a high-protein breakfast (35g of protein). This study followed two groups of teens who they fed either normal or high-protein foods, and a third of the group continued to skip breakfast.

Science, if anything, is often predictable if you understand the basics. It came as no surprise to me that those who consumed the high protein breakfasts reduces their daily food intake by 400 calories and lost body fat mass. Those who skipped breakfast or ate a breakfast or normal protein content gained additional body fat.

I’m not going to sit here and give you all of the scientific details that, really, none of us quite understand. What I will tell you is that skipping breakfast is linked to the growing epidemic of obesity. So, let’s start with eating a good, high-protein breakfast! Let’s help these young kinds develop good eating habits now, they will be more likely to continue these healthy habits throughout their lives.


It’s All In the Numbers



I think that it is so surprise that the United States has a weight epidemic on our hands. However, even I was blissfully unaware until I saw the numbers. Data was taken from 188 countries, and it found the highest proportion of overweight and obese people (13% of the global total) live in the United States. Okay, that’s not bad, but it actually is, when you realize that our country only accounts for 5% of the world’s TOTAL population.

I know, those numbers still don’t sound so bad. Let’s look at it this way: it is estimated that 160 million Americans are either overweight or obese. Almost three quarters of American men and more than 60% of American women are in this category. Take a moment and really think about that. This means that if we lined up four men, three of them would be overweight/ obese.

Let’s move past the “overweight” category, and just look at obesity. Just in America there are 78 million obese people, this is more than any other country in the world. China is a distant second with 46 million. One third of American men and women are obese. This is a major health problem. I have to believe that I am not the only one alarmed by these numbers.

I have previously blogged about childhood obesity, so I will leave those numbers alone today.

Contrary to popular belief, this isn’t about people judging others for what they look like. This is about health. These weight issues can cause a variety of health problems included, but not limited to, diabetes, heart issues, and shortened life expectancy.

If people want to continuously call people who talk about the obesity epidemic shallow bullies who are attacking people, then this issue will never be solved. People can be who they want to be,  and people can be beautiful at any size. That’s not the issue, the issue is that there is a point where you cannot be healthy at any size.

Chipotle Says No to GMOs



Ignorance; that is what agribusiness is using as its biggest tool to continuously pump GMOs into our food system. The less people know, the better. In recent news, however, health friendly quick service restaurant Chipotle has announced that it will be making it’s produce line GMO free, effective May of 2015.

There are many, especially young consumers, who find this to be a victory. The most that people find out about these GMO foods, the less they want to have them in their lives. However, there are many publications such as the Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Time Magazine, and LA times have  been calling Chipotle irresponsible, anti-science, irrational and much more! If you are anything like me, you would be thinking What!?

Logically, we all know whats wrong with GMO products. However, agribusiness and their supporters are still trying to convince us that there is anything RIGHT with them. Chipotle is listening to their consumers. It is believed that many companies will soon have no choice but to follow suit if they really want to compete.

In general, consumers are focusing more on the quality of food that they put in their bodies. This is putting the pressure on restaurants to improve their quality. Focusing on local, organic, and GMO free products.

Is this possibly the beginning of the end for companies like Monsanto? Let’s face it, that wouldn’t be a terrible thing. It’s time to take charge of our bodies, starting with our nutrition choices.