How Apple Cider Vinegar Can Change Your Life!



While there are so many foods out there that are good for you, and have great health benefits, there are some that just don’t get the attention they deserve. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is one of them! ACV can help you lose weight, lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, supports healthy blood sugar levels, and even helps the stomach by increasing probiotics and acid. And would you look at that, increased stomach acid and probiotics help heal leaky gut.

As with many foods that start getting a good reputation for their health benefits, many companies will try and jump on the bandwagon and start producing version of lower quality. When you are chosing an ACV look for cloudiness at the bottom of the bottle. This is called “the mother”, and it is actually all of the good probiotics and organic acids.

So what is so beneficial about Apple Cider Vinegar? I’m glad you asked! The organic acids balance the pH in the stomach and small intestines. This makes it easier for your body to break down proteins and carbohydrates, which will help your overall digestion. In this environment it is easier for probiotics to grow and thrive.

The best way to incorporate it into your life is to take one tablespoon in a small glass of mineral water before each of your three meals each day. Not only will it help balance your blood sugar, but it will get your stomach pH right so that you can better absorb nutrients and break down food.

In short, Apple Cider Vinegar is AWESOME! There are so many health benefits to incorporating it into your daily life. Give it a try, you’ve got nothing to lose… except maybe some weight.