Phthalates: A Story of Plastic and Heatbreak


plastic bottles

Dun dun dun! It’s not new information that plastics are generally … not good. What is it, though, that contributes to its “badness”. That would be… phthalates. These are added to plastics to increase their flexibility, transparency, durability, and longevity. They are also used in a wide range of cosmetic and food products. Not only can they be absorbed into the body via food,  but through the skin and air too. They are toxins that have been shown to cause reproductive issues.

Now that they we know WHAT they are, it is important to find out WHERE they are!

  1. Packaging- Not only in food packaging, but also children’s toys, pain, pharmaceuticals, textiles, and more.
  2. Cosmetic products- The true price of beauty… these toxins are used in perfumes, eye shadows, moisturizers, deodorant, nail polish, and many more cosmetic products.
  3. Household products- I can say that I’m not surprised to find that these toxic chemicals are in household cleaning products. I mean, those things are just… poison. They are also, however, found in things such as shower curtains, vinyl upholstery, carpeting, floor tiles, and many more household products.
  4. Medical and Personal Care Products- Phthalates are present in the coatings of many pills. You can also find them in adhesives, glues, building materials, personal-care products, modern electronics, and even many sun screens!

So, it seems like they are just all around us. It almost seems like there is no escape! Have no fear, there are ways that you can limit and reduce the amount of these toxins that you allow into your body.

  1. Avoid foods stored in plastic- It is best to buy food daily, and things that are not stored in plastic containers or wrappers. Look for milk that is sold in glass containers, fresh meat wrapped in paper, and organic products!
  2. Use homemade hair and skin products- It is nearly impossible to find out exactly everything that is in your beauty products. The best solution is to make your own. It is surprisingly easy! Take to the internet to find natural and effective ways to create these products!
  3. Use glass containers- Well… duh! This is a given after all of the bad talk on plastic we have done in this article. So ditch the plastic, and go with glass. Even when buying bottles or sippy-cups, go with glass, silicon, or stainless steel options.
  4. Look for DEP (BPA) free products)- Look at the recycling codes to determine this. If they have codes 1, 2, or 5 they don’t contain phthalates. It’s that simple.
  5. Cleanse your body- Chances are your body is all ready loaded up on phthalates, because, as we have learned these toxins are nearly impossible to avoid. Detox your liver every once in a while.  It is one of the hardest working organs in your body, and it needs to detox to boost health.

The more you know 😉

When I Say “Micro”, You Say “Biome”



One of our favorite topics here at Let’s Get Crackin’ is the microbiome… aka your gut flora. It’s all of the good bacteria that is in your gut that is an integral part of your immune system. We under estimate its impact. Research has revealed that microbes of all kinds are instrumental in the functioning of our bodies.

Beneficial bacteria, also known as probiotics are known for their ability to help your body in many ways:

  1. Counteracting inflammation and control the growth of disease causing bacteria.
  2. Producing vitamins, aminoacids (protein precursors), absorb minerals, and eliminate toxins
  3. Controlling asthma and reducing the risk of allergies
  4. Benefitting your mood and mental health
  5. Impacting your weight, for better or worse

Everyone’s microbiome composition varies. It is based on factors such as diet, health history, anti-biotic exposure, geographic locations, chemical exposures, hygiene, and other environmental factors.  It is becoming increasingly clear that destroying your gut flora with antibiotics and pharmaceutical drugs, harsh environmental chemicals, and toxic foods is a primary factor in rising disease rates.

This is why it is important to stress a diet rich in whole organic, unprocessed foods along with traditionally cultured or fermented foods and plenty of fiber. Also, a high quality probiotic supplement can also be helpful in restoring your gut flora (especially when taking antibiotics and eating processed foods).

We can’t stress it enough… PROTECT YOUR MICROBIOME!

How Poison Ended up on American Dinner Tables: The Truth behind GE Foods



Genetically manipulated foods may be one of the most serious threats not only to our environment but also to the health and survival of future generations. Typically this has been blamed on chemical companies. There is a back story that has been hidden as to how genetically engineered foods were able to reach millions of dinner tables.

In the late 90’s Steven Druker, an attorney, filed a lawsuit challenging the most important actions in the U. S. Food and Drug Administration has taken in this area. It challenged the notion that genetically engineered foods were safe, and they didn’t need a shred of safety testing.

The evidence, however, clearly reveals that the FDA’s presumption was WRONG! It was wrong in 1992 and it is still wrong today! Nonetheless, their decision has played a crucial role in allowing these inadequately tested GE foods to permeate the American Market.

The title of Steven’s book says it all: Altered Genes, Twisted Truth; How the Venture to Genetically Engineer our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public. If you have any interest in this topic, I highly recommend this book.

I know that all of this must sound frightening. The main point is that we need to be vigilant about the things that we are putting in our bodies. While organic, non-GE foods may be more expensive, your body will thank you for spending the extra money. If you have any questions, talk to a nutritionist!