Can You Sleep too Much?



It is common knowledge that not getting enough sleep can be detrimental to your health. It has often been argued that too much sleep can also be bad for you. Here are some facts to help us answer this age old question:

  • Seniors that regularly sleep more than eight hours a night have a 46% increase in their chance for stroke versus those who sleep between six and eight hours.
  • Other health effects associated with consistently sleeping too much include depression, diabetes, weight gain, headaches, heart problems, a decline in brain health, and premature death

In other words, it is important for your health to get ENOUGH sleep, but it is also important not to over indulge. If you find yourself sleeping more than eight hours a night on a regular basis, contact your health care of nutritional specialist. They can get you back on track!

Creve Coeur Chiropractor Talks About Sleep



If you make a list of things that are “No Fun” one thing is sure to top the list: Insomnia. Not being able to get a solid 6-8 hours of REM sleep can make every part of your waking life miserable. Your work, your social life and your family life will all suffer. There are ways that you can start to solve this problem from the inside out.

While stress can impact the level of quality sleep that you get, people often forget that what you consume plays a key role. That’s right, when you are finally asleep and suddenly you wake up and are unable to fall back asleep, it is directly related to the things that ate and drank prior to bed time. Sugar, spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine are often to blame.

There are also certain deficiencies that will make you experience hypoglycemic rebound, where you are wake up abruptly from sleep and are able to return to your restful state. Many people are unknowingly deficient in chromium, vanadium, manganese, and other key nutrients vital to a good night’s sleep.

The list of nutrients, vitamins, and amino acids that your body needs for you to get a good night’s sleep goes on and on. No need to bore anyone here. Many people think they need to make the leap into over the counter or prescription sleep aids and that is not the answer. There secret is finding a good doctor who can understand the underlying causes of insomnia and can properly test to see what needs to be fixed.